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📢 Hurry Up! Limited Seats Available! New Azure DevOps online training batch starting from 1st September 📢👉 Enroll Now!


30 days
Course Description:

Unlock the power of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform, the leading tool for managing cloud infrastructure across multiple providers. This comprehensive course is designed to take you from a beginner to an advanced level, providing you with the skills and knowledge to automate and manage infrastructure efficiently and securely

Course Structure:

Module1: Introduction to Terraform

  • Overview of Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

  • What is Terraform?

  • Terraform vs. Other IaC Tools

  • Installing and Setting Up Terraform

  • First Terraform Configuration

  • Basic Terraform Commands

Module 2: Terraform Basics

  • Providers, Resources, and Modules

  • Variables and Outputs

  • State Management

    • Local vs. Remote State

    • State Locking

  • Terraform Lifecycle: Init, Plan, Apply, Destroy

  • Debugging and Troubleshooting Terraform Configurations

Module 3: Managing Infrastructure with Terraform

  • Creating and Managing Resources (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.)

  • Resource Dependencies

  • Terraform Data Sources

  • Using Terraform Modules

  • Organizing Terraform Configurations

Module 4: Advanced Terraform Topics

  • Terraform Workspaces

  • Advanced State Management

  • Using Provisioners

  • Terraform Import

  • Handling Sensitive Data

    • Secrets Management

    • Terraform Vault Integration

Module 5: Infrastructure Design Patterns with Terraform

  • Environment Segregation

  • Multi-Cloud Management

  • Infrastructure as Code Best Practices

  • Reusability with Terraform Modules

  • CI/CD Integration with Terraform

  • Automated Testing with Terraform

Module 6: Security and Compliance in Terraform

  • IAM Policies and Roles

  • Securing Terraform State

  • Compliance as Code

  • Monitoring and Auditing Terraform Deployments

  • Security Best Practices

Module 7: Working with Terraform Cloud and Enterprise

  • Introduction to Terraform Cloud

  • Setting Up Terraform Cloud

  • Workspaces and Remote Execution

  • Collaboration with Terraform Cloud

  • Sentinel Policy as Code

  • Cost Estimation

Module 8: Terraform in Production

  • Terraform for Large-Scale Infrastructure

  • Managing Infrastructure Drift

  • Rolling Back Changes

  • Blue-Green and Canary Deployments with Terraform

  • Disaster Recovery with Terraform

Course Key Highlights:
  • 45+ hours of learning

  • Understand the fundamentals of Terraform and its role in Infrastructure as Code.

  • Write and manage Terraform configurations for deploying infrastructure on popular cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

  • Implement best practices for organizing and reusing Terraform code.

  • Securely manage infrastructure states and workspaces.

  • Integrate Terraform with CI/CD pipelines for automated deployments.

  • Apply advanced Terraform features such as modules, provisioners, and custom providers.

  • Use Terraform Cloud for team collaboration and governance.

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